Hugo Metsers endorses our workshop

Schermafbeelding 2013-10-27 om 10.51.18Our friend, the Dutch actor Hugo Metsers, has agreed to endorse our workshop. We are very glad to receive his support. Some years ago he started his own acting school called Faaam (film Actors Academy Amsterdam). It’s educational program is still running today. As an actor has worked on many film sets (and has acted in two shorts of Fedor Sendak taking care of the lead role). Hugo studied at: International Maurits Binger Film Institute and Studio Herman Teirlinck in Anterp, Belgium. Currently he is working on a documentary about his father, an actor who can be considered the ‘first Dutch film star’.

Hugo played in the shorts “Popje” and “Egofixe” written and directed by Fedor Sendak. At the bottom of this page you find three stills of these films!

Check out his website:
Hugo Metsers at IMDb:

Schermafbeelding 2013-10-27 om 10.50.31

Schermafbeelding 2013-10-27 om 11.42.27
Hugo Metsers in “Egofixe” by Fedor Sendak
Schermafbeelding 2013-10-27 om 11.42.08
Hugo Metsers in “Egofixe” by Fedor Sendak
Schermafbeelding 2013-10-27 om 11.41.47
Hugo Metsers in “Popje” by Fedor Sendalk

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