Join our free try-out class in Belgrade, Serbia!

Actors and Directors in BELGRADE!

Join our FREE try-out class. We are organising our first workshop for actors and filmmakers in Serbia this Sunday (9th of OCT 2016) at AKUD Lola Ivo Ribar, Resavska 11, Belgrade from 16h to 20h.

Our Serbian friend and filmmaker Jovana Tokic wrote the following recommendation:

“Hej drugari u Beogradu: glumci, reditelji i svi koje to zanima. U Nedelju 9 oktobra, Fedor & Sara (moji prijatelji iz Amsteradma) ce drzati besplatnu radionicu za glumce i reditelje u Beogradu. Radionica je na engleskom. Za vise detalja ovde: i  Ako ste u gradu mozda vam bude zabavno ili posaljite kome bi moglo da bude! Svakako preporuka. ”

…and another filmmaking friend, Jelena Rosic, wrote:

” Kolega sa akademije u Amsterdamu me je zamolio da prosledim:
—–>>>> glumci, reditelji i svi koje to zanima. U Nedelju 9 oktobra, Fedor Sendak & Sara Alba ce drzati besplatnu radionicu za glumce i reditelje u Beogradu. Radionica je na engleskom. Za vise detalja ovde:
Ako ste u gradu mozda vam bude zabavno ili posaljite kome bi moglo da bude! ”

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This event is organised in cooperation with AKUD Lola “Teatar Levo” ( ) and part of the OPEN THEATRE FEST

Apply by sending us an email at

Visit the event on Facebook here:
